Goodwill Vehicle Donations is currently accepting vehicle donations. Your health and safety are of utmost importance to us. To donate, call 866-233-8586 or fill out the form below. To learn what actions we are taking to ensure you are protected when you donate a vehicle to Goodwill Vehicle Donations, please click here.

Car Sharing

Donate your Car and Get a Car-Sharing Membership

When you are thinking about donating a vehicle to Goodwill, you may be wondering how you will get around once the vehicle has been picked up. Of course, one option would be to purchase another vehicle, but another option might be to take advantage of one of the many car sharing memberships available in Washington DC. Two major options include:


When you apply to Zipcar, you will receive a “zipcard” which you can use to reserve vehicles on an hourly or daily basis. Zipcars are located all over the city and metro area in conveniently located parking spaces.

Your zipcard will unlock the vehicle you reserved during the time you have it reserved for so no one else will be able to get into the car. Once your time is up, you just return it to the parking space you picked it up from.

There are two membership options:

  • Occasional Driving –No monthly commitment and rates from $8 per hour and $74 per day or Extra Value, which requires a $50 monthly commitment (about 8 hours of driving) and rates from $7.20/hour and $66.60 per day. Both memberships require a $60 application fee and the membership includes gas and insurance.


Car2Go is different from Zipcar as it allows customers to make one-way trips as opposed to returning the car to the spot it was picked up from. They also offer only one type of vehicle which is 2-passenger Smart Car.

Car2Go costs $35 to sign up and charges $0.38 per minute with a maximum of $13.99 per hour. Daily rentals are also available from $72.99. Gas is also included in the form of a pre-paid gas card located in the car. If you take the time to refill the tank, you will earn 20 free minutes.

In addition to these options, some major rental companies, such as Hertz, are now offering hourly rentals in the DC metro area. As you can see, car sharing can be a great and cheap alternative to purchasing another vehicle after you have given a car donation to Goodwill.

To learn more about how to donate your car to Goodwill of Greater Washington, click the link below or call us toll free at 866-233-8586.

Donate my vehicle now


Last Updated: May 3rd, 2018